| ND0802B
 | Nasal Dressing with string, no Gauze. Spec : 80x20x15mm |
ND0552B | Nasal Dressing with string, no Gauze. Spec : 55×20×15mm |
8020NS | Nasal Dressing with string, no Gauze. Spec : 80×20×15mm |
 | ND0802T
 | Nasal Dressing with airway, with string, no Gauze. Spec : 80x20x15mm |
| Nasal Dressing with airway, with string, no Gauze. Spec : 45×20×15mm |
 | ND0802A | Nasal Dressing with Gauze CMC (Carboxy Methyl Cellulose) & string. Spec : 80×20×15mm |
ND0552A | Nasal Dressing with Gauze CMC (Carboxy Methyl Cellulose) & string. Spec : 55×20×15mm |
 | ND0813B | Nasal dressing Anatomical with string Spec : 80×30×15mm, no airway |
ND0813T | Nasal dressing Anatomical with string Spec : 80×30×15mm, with airway |